Grey Day

It's our last full day today - I'm back to work Friday otherwise we would have stayed until the weekend.

In contrast to the clear bright day yesterday, it is grey and misty today. Our two friends and their boys have gone home so the remaining four adults and three dogs walked along Fistral to a pub overlooking Fistral and had a lovely lunch. The walk home to the cottages was along a much quieter beach than it has been the last few days.

We are now watching Brave on DVD and generally relaxing. I've just done an online shop ready for us when we get home tomorrow too - the detox needs to start to cleanse my poor body so we have lots of healthy meals planned.

We are also planning the next holiday. We simply love it here and it's been such a chill. But is it time for a change? Maybe the lakes? Any suggestions are welcome.

PS - the weirdo from yesterday continued to be bizarre and when we left the hotel we were dining in yesterday he appeared from the shadows as though he was following us. Very bizarre fellow!
PPS - hoping to have a proper catch up on your journals when I get home. Thanks for dropping in whilst I've not had chance to stop by your journals as often x

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