But I don't wanna go home :(

All good things must come to an end and that means we were on the road by 10am fuelled by a very naughty McDonalds breakfast (something we rarely have!). One last run on the beach first - and a chance to fill the car with sand!

So, we came home today as I'm working tomorrow......well, I'm not now. I messaged my boss about something at work, and he said for me to take tomorrow off so I can catch up with my washing and stuff! I'm sure he must be going a bit mental but who am I to argue? He's the boss and I always do as I'm told!

The second load of washing is about to go on, Tesco is due in an hour, in-laws are coming round for dinner despite them having been with us in Cornwall all week!, everything is unpacked and I'm sat in the snug with my feet up. I must admit it is nice to be home, I love our house.

Home sweet home :)

PS - Me and a friend are starting a book club next month - I'll let you know the books we choose but knowing that many of you Blippers are bookworms too, I thought you like might like to join us, virtually :)

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