Verity & Me

It being our last day in the Cairngorms, we just had to finish off with a bigger hike.

We set out from Muir Cottage, along the road to Inveray, up to Carn Mor 796m, then along the ridge via Carn na Drochaide 830m and finally Morrone 859m, before descending down into Braemar.

The Guides & Rangers were enthusiastic, walked faster than on Monday and picked up some more nav skills. There were some low points: the boggy, off path area between the Carns was a challenge for some, and the final steep descent was pretty slow, but, we did all complete the hike. Highlights included a herd of deer passing in front of us, spotting grouse, hares, red squirrels, and lots of haggis tracks and poo. The little round creatures did stay very well hidden however.

Almost unbelievably, despite the poor forecast, we not only stayed dry all day but also enjoyed plenty of sunshine, as in fact we have all week! (FWG strikes again)

The day was a long 7 hours but we still managed a guided tour of Braemar Castle, dinner at the cottage and a campfire on the ‘beach’ beside the river. No midges tonight thankfully.

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