Ugly Bug

The milkweed assassin bug (Zelus longipes) doesn't prey on milkweed plants, of course. It is a true assassin bug that hunts all manner of soft-bodied insects, from caterpillars to beetles. Its common name comes from its resemblance to the large milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus. These very different true bugs share similar markings, making it easy for the amateur observer to misidentify them.

This beneficial predator is also known as the long-legged assassin bug (longipes actually means long-legged). Its body, from head to abdomen, is mainly red or orange in color, with distinctive black markings on the thorax and wings.

These are what I call Ugly Bugs but I don’t mind having a few of them in my yard getting rid of the other bugs!

The bit of rain we had only brought us 0.01” which doesn’t do much for feeding the garden so I’m out watering this morning.

Kent headed into work early as usual today but should be home about 9am to start helping with some work in the gardens.

It’s going to be a wet, dirty and tiring day for me working outside as long as I can.

Happy Weekend Everyone as it’s Friday again.

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