Still .....

..... life!
Also an EB as I forgot to take a photo when I was out today! To busy chatting!
I collected a friend I hadn't seen socially for months , she's such a lovely lady , sadly she sustained an illness which has taken some things from her , we had a great catch- up . What was going to be a cuppa ended up as being scones and cream coffee and 3 hours latter we decided to go . So it was a lovely 3 hours spent for both of us.
I was up early put the bed linen in the washing machine got it on the line and when I came home was able to make the bed with the same linen.
I have prepared meal for tomorrow night , now am relaxing for the evening. So I did manage to get a few bits done even tho' I was out for a good part of the day.

Appreciate ..... being able to give a bit of chat time to a friend

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