
Sunday 4th August 2019

A satisfying day and a good meeting this afternoon. After evensong I decided to have another go with water. Unfortunately I hadn't charged the batteries for the flash so I had to use the on camera flash, which wasn't as successful. After a while the camera battery also started to go! 

I had trouble getting the drip to drip rather than pour. By the time I got it working the camera battery was seriously low. Part way through I decided to change from a straight shot to see if I could get a shot with the dolphins. I was concentrating on the top and then realised that the bottom had started to drip too. Needless to say I couldn't get them to drip at exactly the same time so this is a combination of two shots, one for the top and one for the bottom. 

I am quite enjoying my "studio" again and these experiments, so more to come no doubt ... must get all the batteries charged. 

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