All we like sheep

A lunch engagement in the countryside where we were needed to provide chauffeuring services was the order of the day today. It caused some flutterings in me, because I'd managed to double book us, party-wise. Hey ho. I'll smooth things over.

When we got there, we thought we might have to fight our way through a flock of sheep to get to the front door, but it turns out they were well out of our way. It was interesting, however, to see that our friends in the country have now bought a four wheel drive vehicle - a proper Land Rover, mind - to provide security for their dotage, and they are contemplating not one, but two, Ifor Williams trailers. Not for the sheep, of course, because they belong to the farm next door. But I'm sure that you can never have too many Ifor Williams trailers.

Lunch lasted from 1pm to 7pm. A good lunch, I would say.

By the way, do take a careful look at the one at the back. The shop steward, I would say. And yes, we were right out in the countryside. Well off the public road. So the map is correct.

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