POG's Journal


It could all end in tears…

My Day:
Hung around at home this morning for a while waiting for the rain to stop… Then out on the bike for a couple of hours.
I had a call from the camera shop saying my poorly camera was back and ready for collection. So, I popped there and picked it up then back home and been loafing around since then.
Day 26/92
32 miles on the road this morning, 1,759 ft of climbing… Quite tired this afternoon.
I worked hard to pace myself on the climbs and I can do it quite well on the gradual slopes but the steeper one I just go pop immediately… so still some work to go there.
I’ve also been trying to force my sticky out knee to not stick out but not sure it is working but I will keep trying.
I was good on the downhills today; I’ve never had my fear in that department and only ended up in hospital once. I’m not quite at Julian Alaphilippe standards yet but will keep working on it.
The crazy camera shop wanted £330 to swap the LCD screen so I declined their kind offer. I have no problem in paying for someone’s expertise and have been lucky enough to have people pay quite a bit for mine in the past but £300 did seem too much to me to fit a £30 replacement. So, I purchased a replacement screen from Germany for £30 and may have a go myself.
As the title say it could all end in tears… ha-ha.
More tomorrow


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