
By BoneShaker

I'm your Venus...

Almost failed on the second day of 365. Back to work today after the Christmas period and had been wracking my brains for photo opportunities all day. Needless to say the day was very busy and I was left driving home in the dark having had no ideas for the shot. There is a building on my way into Sheffield that I really want to shoot and so I stopped to try and get some long exposure shots however, having no tripod with me and when I looked at the shots this evening I was not impressed. So much for day 2...

I looked around for something else to take a shot of. My son has had this venus flytrap for around 6 months now and we were starting to think it was dead... until it flowered of Christmas. I didn't know venus fly traps COULD flower. The trap had been standing outside for a while and the drops of water nestling in the heads looked very beautiful. I brought the trap in and got some more water - which I got my beautiful assistant (i.e Charlotte) to drop into the leaf stems until it dropped. This is my first attempt at macro photography not really having a dedicated lens for the job - this is a sigma 300 that "kind of" does macro too. Yhe flash makes it a little easier and with a tad of sharpening in Lightroom hasn't turned out that bad.

I guess the whole point of the 365 is to get out there and try new things. I'm hoping it gets easier.

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