So they all rolled over...

Stupidly stoopid early start to get to Ben to his train - via Tadcaster as both Cawood Bridge AND the A19 at Fulford were shut. Still, I was home and asleep again before Red got up at 7.15...

We went to Ikea. Red refused to go in SmorgasbordLand. Then he cried all the way round because he wanted to play with Lily. I got loads of stuff I didn't know I needed. Then we collected Ally and Lily and went round again to get to the restaurant. Then round again to get even more stuff I hadn't realised we needed...

Home for an eat up tea of mostly chips and dips. The children have sort of gone to bed though I am curious to know where I'm to sleep as the 2 smallest seem to have commandeered my bed...

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