Helix panic blip

We all had to get up frightfully early this morning to get Nanny to Truro station for her 10.19 train home. Only it was cancelled so she ended up on the 10.41. Which was also delayed. This wouldn't normally be a problem, however...

Truro station have a rule they NO ONE is allowed on the platform unless they have a ticket. We learnt this the day after my Dad died and the young lad on the gate wouldn't let MrRoly and the kids wave me off until I had a hissy fit and stormed off, not a proud moment! So I decided to treat the children to a ride home on the train, letting MrRoly get some work done in peace.

So we obviously didn't get the 10.21 as Nanny was still waiting for her train. But the 10.51 was looking good, except Nanny's train didn't leave until 10.55. No matter, we had a quick drink and a packet of crisps and awaited the 11.21. Which didn't arrive - mechanical problems!

The Falmouth branch line is a single track line with a passing point at Penryn. So a train with "mechanical problems" is an issue. Especially if it's problems occur on the single tracks...

It finally limped in and we were told it wasn't running again but the 11.51 would be. So we waited. Then we went to a different platform, and back again, then back to the other platform. A train arrived and we all got on and all the Bristol people got off. Then we were all told to get off and the Bristol people got back on. At this point, a member of staff decided it was all pretty ridiculous and ordered taxis for the 20 or so of us and sent us on our way. We finally got in just before 1!

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