SCOTLAND - Dundee & Glamis + Broughty F

That's where I went today -- first to Broughty Ferry (following the suggestion of the train conductor, who allowed me to go the extra few kilometers for free), followed by Glamis Castle (unbelievable how out-of-the-way it is, with a bus service of almost nul), and then finally (back to) Dundee, where a kind taxi driver drove me all the way to the top of the hill to view the town from the war memorial called The Law.  The weather was pleasantly sunny in the morning and stayed this way till about dinner time, by which time it didn't matter as all the day's photography was done.

You must be wondering whether or not I'm tired.  I suppose I am, but my enthusiasm overrides it.  When I come 'home' to the airbnb in the evening, it's time to download and post-process the often hundreds of shots (varies from day to day, as you know), do a little bookkeeping, have a chat with AW, and then crash into bed.  One thing I am convinced of, though, is the need to eat, and to eat well.  I am not a fan of snatching a bite while running to the train platform or bus stop.  I believe that I truly need to sit down and actually enjoy my food, so I've made sure I do this.  It calms me down, and a full tummy is the best antidote to the moods brought about by bad weather.  I have my cups of tea with lemon (yes, the restaurant has memorized how I want it) and eat unhurriedly, and then take time to visit the wc.  It's funny how a holiday can actually bring home how terribly important some rituals can be.

The shot is of the V & A (?) in Dundee.  The extra is of Glamis Castle, where photography inside is forbidden.  Thankful that every time I need to take shots like this, the sun is out even if the clouds aren't gone.

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