Recuperation Centre Visit

Today, I started a new MOOC -- Intercultural Competence.  Not that I am not competent, but there's always something new to learn, new insights to gain, and, very important, new ideas to teach my students.  Wait ... I'm back at work?  Nope, but the course began today and it was either join it now or wait another half year or more.  I've taken more than a handful of intercultural-related MOOCs so this should be done quickly, like four weeks in one.  Today, for example, I finished week 1 and began week 2.

In the early evening, we drove to the recuperation centre, where H is doing therapy for the stroke he suffered last month.  He looked good but there's obviously still a long way to go.  He's a fighter, and doing all his physicals with all the energy he has, even going beyond what's allowed, which worries his wife M somewhat because she doesn't want any new injuries or stress.  They also asked us how our little European tour went and we explained about Nan, and they were glad at least that we're fine and she's gone.  On that score, we're glad, too.  H will be allowed to return home on Wednesday and we'll visit perhaps a month or so later.

Another warm day, but the heat will end later this week, says the weather forecast.  I don't think we'll mind.  M wasn't in the mood for picture-taking so I shot this along the river on our way home.

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