"The thing I loved the most - and still love the most about teaching - is that you can connect with an individual or a group, and see that individual or group exceed their limits." Mike Krzyzewski

An interesting tour, courtesy of my bro, around the local High School where he teaches - so many signs of a caring staff, small touches in the subtext of posters and other gentle, easily overlooked clues - the overwhelming commitment that teachers make to their craft and their kids whether here or there and, well everywhere .....

A mid afternoon excursion to Chelmsford High St, some business, some photos. The stone bridge pictured was built in 1784 and crosses the River Can at the bottom of the High Street, it is the third bridge to be constructed since 1199 (visit Chelmsford.co.uk). The extra pic shows theview to the right from the bridge.

Bro came for dinner. 

Weather watch: really warm and sunny

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