Ambling Camera

By AmblingCamera

Rabbits AND Marshmellow Weed

Yesterday, the Mistress blipped about the weed that is the BANE of her life. Today she is blipping about another pest that she has to put up with. Rabbits.

When she first moved to the South Island 3 years ago, She was just another Aucklander (JAFA) who thought that rabbits were cute and didn't deserve to be culled. One month after putting down a $3000 lawn that she changed her mind and declared war. Coming home to 10 rabbits digging up her lawn, burrowing under her trees and stealing her veges made her a regular old 'Mr MacGregor' out to destroy 'Peter Rabbit'.

My shutter was pressed several times tonight to get these rabbits just before it got dark from the lounge window. They were just over the fence in the vineyard very close to the house. While the Mistress was pressing my little silver button, she was muttering something about a gun, preferably a bazooka.

The cat used to bring them in and has even caught some bigger than her and dragged it through the cat door. But lately she has given up - she tells me that the problem is too big for a little cat so she would rather sleep on the chair. The Mistress thinks the cat has just got lazy.

The Mistress no longer sees herself as an Aucklander any more - and considers herself a Mainlander seeing she has to put up with Marshmellow Weed and Rabbits. Oh - and Magpies - don't get her started on Magpies!

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