A little ray of sunshine

By Fizzerella

Dee Mile

Making the most of the lack of hills in Chester and went out for a run first thing. My plan had been 6 or 7 miles but in the end I did 10 and felt like I could have carried on. With 4 weeks to go till the GNR I'm feeling more confident about being able to run it all, and enjoy it!!

Home for breakfast, shower and change, then we took the kids up to Chester Cathedral to see the Lego exhibition, The Deep, with some fantastic models of fish, squid, jelly fish & sharks.

We had a bonus catch up with my sister and family over lunch, as they're off to Wales for the week.

Just to make sure I really sleep well tonight, I swam the Dee Mile, PB on a mile at 28.47, and despite it's name, it's actually 2km. The Dee is tidal and there was a good flow in the right direction helping us along, until the last stretch where the wind was blowing in the opposite direction! All good fun and a well organised event, and lovely to have my supporters on the river bank cheering me on.

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