Tiny Feather

Last night we were watching the end of a program called 'Civilization' on television before going to bed when the power went out and we were plunged into darkness. By the time OilMan fumbled around for a flashlight and I waited for my phone flashlight app to download from the cloud (where it certainly wasn't doing any good) we realized that we were panicking in a random and unfocused sort of way....a totally subliminal response to our current hot weather and warnings from the power company that they will turn out the power if fire danger is high.

I reviewed the conditions:
High temperatures, check
Dry conditions, check
Gusty winds, not that we could tell. 
We panicked anyway....

The power wasn't out for very long but long enough to screw up the hot water heater and  several clocks and timers scattered about the premises which all had to be reset.  During the night the power went out again and we had to re-reset everything again this morning.

It all made me feel as if the ancient Egyptians, the Romans and the Mayans were all more civilized than we are because they weren't so totally dependent on the power grid....

We never were able to find out what caused the outages because, although they seem to have no trouble sending us a bill, our usernames don't match our passwords on the power company website so they were unable to sign us up for the website which is supposed to give us information....

The little birds must be shedding feathers in an effort to cool off, although I don't know how this works if they need their feathers to fly. Anyway I found a lot of tiny ones near the bird feeder. Thanks to Nickimags888 for hosting this challenge....


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