Garden Fresh

I made my way up to the garden this morning and the tomatoes have taken off. I collected as many as I could carry plus a few more and made myself a tomato sandwich (extra) nothing needed but good bread, lashings of mayonnaise, salt and pepper and a bit of basil. Sometimes I  add cucumber and/or avocado or a little very thinly sliced red onion but today was classic and delicious minimalist production. The tomatoes were still warm from the vine and perfectly ripe, which means I'll be making tomato sauce. soon.

With a helpful suggestion from John and some excellent pictures from Lady Findhorn  I have finally produced a working set of patterns for the Dancing Star quilt. You are spared the pictures of the work in progress because the recipient sometimes reads this journal. But i find that taking them as I go along really helps. I have made lots of quilts in my lifetime but being a bit challenged on the spacial relationships side of things I have never attempted designing one as I went along, or making a pattern from scratch,  I find it a lot more satisfying than taking a design out of a book and I seem to have the patience for it. An engineer’s eye helps too although he doesn’t have a clue how things go together. Sometimes I don’t either but between us we make a reasonably good whole.

We're heading into a heat wave this weekend which makes having to stay mostly on the couch with my leg up a little easier....

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