Henry Plants a Tree

Henry Reporting...

Mom is very sad.  A man is coming this morning to take down the old maple tree in the front yard.  She has tried everything to save it.  She had it fertilized, trimmed and propped up in places but to no avail.  When a part of the trunk spontaneously fell off she knew it was time.  It might come down on the house this winter or, worse, fall onto a passing car.  When we went out to get the mail I spotted a wee sapling growing in the stone wall beneath the tree and we carefully extradited it.  Mom let ME plant it!  We aren't quite sure what we will do with it but it made Mom happy to nurture an off-spring of the old maple tree.  Gaylord, Rudy and all their friends will be sad too since they loved to climb it and munch on maple seeds.  The house will look very strange without it.  Henry signing off now...

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