Green Tree Frog

No, I am not in Costa Rica, but was pretty excited this morning to come across this tiny little fellow at Huntley Meadows during my outing with WRPerry.  If it had not been for another photographer who alerted us to its location, we never would have seen it.  I have loaded another shot of a different frog in the duckweed into extra.

We met at 6:30 a.m. hoping to beat the traffic.  Even though it is August and most of Washington is on vacation we did still manage to hit some. It remained mostly cloudy which was good because the humidity was quite oppressive.  There must have been over 50 great white egrets and as many great blue herons in the wetlands, more herons than we ever seen and we never see great white egrets there so it was quite an amazing sight.  Apparently, there had been even more on previous days.  

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