Thundering Towards The New Year

The typhoon struck around 9.30 pm yesterday, with strong winds and heavy rain continuing through most of the night. Thankfully, by the time I needed to leave this morning for my annual health check-up, everything was back to normal.

I arrived in Kobe early so I walked from Sannomiya Station to the health centre and saw this old steam locomotive which I have never seen before.

The nurse who took my measurements politely informed me that my waist is bigger than last year. Yes, I am aware of that and that is why I am on a diet which has, in one week, helped me to lose one kilogram. I am already feeling a lot better about the way my tummy looks and I am looking forward to seeing it get flatter and flatter over the coming weeks.

I bought a few items for the classroom and then popped into work. Had a nice chat with some of the staff, rearranged some of the furniture in my classroom and got a lot of printing done ahead of the inevitable scramble for the printer next week.

(Warning - possibly gratuitous grossness follows.)
Hopefully unloaded all of the unpleasant by-products of the barium examination while at school but, just in case of future emergencies, I will stay within close proximity to a toilet for the rest of the day.

Wabash Cannonball

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