
By KimChristie

Firstly, thank you so very much for all your kind words of support yesterday. It was quite overwhelming. I suppose the entry was a sort of cathartic thing. A way of thinking it all through. I realised that one of the worst parts of such a thing is that no one gets a chance to say goodbye. Purely selfish from the perspective of those of us left behind of course, but no sense can be made of something that has no apparent reason. All we can do is remember all that was bright and light about him and the things that made us love him for who he was. The way he chose to end things is not a reflection of the person we knew him to be.

Todays blip is a cheat, the idea taken from another entry I saw recently. I have seen a few like this posted but I haven´t ever got round to trying it out so I thought I´d give it a go.

My first entry in the January Challenge 2013 on day 3 of the challenge! Oops.

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