Lac Vert

Today was my choice - a Mountain walk of course - but I did select the route with the less keen hikers of the family in mind, so it involved very little ascent at all and two helpful chairlifts :-)

We drove up to Avoriaz first and set off on foot downwards towards the gushing waterfall at Les Brochaux where we had first lunch. Along the way I was already dropping behind to photograph butterflies and flowers and had to remind myself to focus on the family! It was then a long breezy ride up the Mosettes chairlift to 2277m where we marvelled at the 360 views including Les Dents de Midi and Les Dents Blanches. A pano has found its way to extras.

We took one of the familiar ski routes down towards Lac Vert (main blip) before heading out on the GR5 and finally dropping down to Les Lindarets. From there it was a final chair back up to Avoriaz. A stunning day from start to finish.

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