The weekend in the southwest of Western Australia with Ninniex and the Driver has sadly come to a close and what a day to end it.  
We were hoping to see a whale or three but instead spotted Mr and Ms Osprey at work.  Ninniex heard the calls and sure enough there was Mr Osprey feeding himself in one of the dead trees while Mrs Osprey was protecting the nest before heading off for more material to reinforce the nest.  I see Ninniex has posted a similar shot - do check it out.
We spent some time watching all the happenings around the nest.
Isn't nature grand when you are able to drive by and see all the happenings in the osprey world.
While all this was happening whales were passing by not far from the ospreys.
Sadly I had to farewell Ninniex for the drive home - ho hum.
Thanks, again, Ninniex and the Driver for hosting the weekend.  
Ps Extra 1 shows Mrs Osprey heading in with reinforcement and Extra 2 is Mr Osprey continuing with breakfast.

It was lovely to read your comments for the terns and your gifts overwhelm me.  :))

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