
She really enjoys our gray wool Scandinavian chair in the living room. It was a favorite of Raspberry and max as well. The dappled morning sun is so warm and lovely in this spot I guess. The rest of the house is cooler with  the ACs blasting. It is an impossibly hot and humid day again today. There could be thunder showers this afternoon.

Merry is in an upstairs bedroom with the heating guy here. If she is anything like Raspberry, she would to help too much. I didn't give her a chance.

We have a guy here cleaning and checking our heating system, a tune up for the upcoming fall and winter. It's hard to believe it will ever get cooler. 

For the Record,
This day came in too hot to even discuss. Climate change is already apparent here. 

All hands looking forward to cooler weather. I've noticed some trees losing leaves from the excessive heat.

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