Stromness -Day 19

I met up with Northern over yellow split pea soup today and our chat between mouthfuls was wide ranging and informative. If anyone is coming to Orkney I reckon Northern is the Tour Guide you should request. Her qualifications are impeccable and hard won.

Returning to base, I had the timerity to don sunglasses and remove my jacket to sit in the garden overlooking the sea. Wrong move! No sooner than I had arranged myself with all my accoutrements than the clouds gathered, the sun disappeared and a spot of rain landed on my paper. Time to remove the sunglasses and admit defeat. I have an unscientific observation that it has rained at some point on 16 of the 19 days I have been in Orkney. Still, much nicer to have rain in Orkney than rain in Edinburgh.

Another of today’s observations is that salted pecan scones straight out of the oven are top of the list of my favourite scones.

This is the first time I have seen horses being ridden in Stromness and these two fellas appeared in front of the door as I was coming out. They left a considerable calling card further down the road. My Granny had she been alive and residing here with a garden would have been out with her shovel.

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