TinyTuesday221 Orchid

Violet and her mummy arrived back from their holiday at about 3am last night and had a much needed lie in this morning, Poor Violet had an upset tummy as well and spent the day quietly with me catching up on CBeebies.
On Sunday afternoon my mobile phone died so I took this to be sign that I needed to upgrade after all and  I ordered my new Samsung to be delivered next day (yesterday).  It arrived, I set it up and...the son picked up my apparently dead old phone, only to find that it had come back to life.  No matter, I had been hankering after the upgrade as the camera is supposed to be much better.  Today I tried it out by photographing the little orchid given to me as gift by Violet's mummy and I'm quite pleased with the result.  I have wondered, does anyone actually use their mobile to make phone calls anymore...?

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