Meeting in Hamilton

After my late night session with the Antonov, I was a little late in the morning.
I had a 1 to 1 meeting arranged with Angela, from the networking and managed to get a few things sorted before I had to leave to drive to Hamilton for 1 pm.
We went to a café and chatted about business, photography, challenges we have and soon 4 hours had passed!!! 
I truly enjoyed the time and I think we can help each other. We decided to do those gathering on a fortnightly base to support each other.
I think this is a really good idea and look forward to meeting soon again.

I left the town after 5 pm and drove back to Glasgow.
Stopped at the shops to get some food and went home to continue with my other work.
I will post the Antonov galleries tomorrow on linkedIn. Let's see what that brings.
Neil was late but I had food to cook and we had dinner together.

The builders will come on Friday - the studio needs to be cleared then.
My to-do list is still very long but I am learning every day and love it!!

Random Blip of the Dulux shop next to Lidl.

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