First Stop: Seewoog Miesenbach

It was perfect cycling weather today and that's what I did.
Left the house shortly before noon and returned at 19:30 (loooong breaks).
40,5 km, which is quite good considered my weight and the old bicycle I use.

Good things:
- storks left and right
- sunflower fields
- an almost finished new water-basin at the Seewoog (in the blip!)
- a good café au lait at the Seewoogkiosk
- a sculpture "Freedom"
- the water basin I always go to (and where I spent hours)
- the house my friend used to live in

Not so good:
- a partly flattened sunflower field, where obviously a car had landed (part of the bumpers still around)
- many signs "Beware of the oak processionary caterpillar and it's nests"

22:05; 19°C

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