Big Fluffy

Yesterday I had a migraine on the train, and I felt very weird all day! It didn't properly go away all day, and this morning when I got up - quite early - the room was spinning and I felt sick. I went back to bed for a while, and was a bit better next time I got up, fortunately!

Big Fluffy was in the yard when we went to bed last night. She spent the night asleep under the table in our yard (Not enough room for a rusty car, so...). She has humans - they even brush her occasionally, believe it or not! She loves hanging out here though, and when it was hot and we had the door grill on she and Minstrel got on well. But I'd never poach someone else's pet! I took this through the window so it's not the best. She was posing so nicely though.

I finally managed to get my CV updated today. The printer has broken though, so I still have to wait for physical copies.

I've also started another attempt to sort out a passport. I've tried before, and given up because of how difficult it is to get a first adult passport these days. Last time went wrong because my boss made a mess of signing the verification box! I'm sure last time I got a copy of my Mum or Dad's birth certificate, but what happened to it is a complete mystery! So I guess I'll have to fork out for another of them!

I'm not even sure why they want that! They want mine, obviously - and my parents are both named on it. They also want my marriage licence to show my change of name - my parents' names are on there too! 

And I have to ask my boss to have another go at being my referee, as I don't know anyone else high enough up the professional ladder to do it! He says he has done this job for several other people - mostly non-British -born people wanting to qualify for a British passport. Hopefully he won't mess it up this time!

One nice surprise was that I'd put the money I was using to pay for it last time away with my certificates, so I don't have that to find again!

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