Parc Slip Disaster.

Those of you who follow me regularly. will know that I go to the Parc Slip Memorial on the 26th August every year. The  stones represent the 112 men & boys who died in the explosion, 127 years ago today. My great grandfather was one of the men who died, and we go every year in his memory. It was very misty , as you can see and it seemed very atmospheric. We had the usual two minutes silence, and then a roll call of the men & boys who died in the explosion.I  wonder what the weather was like on that fateful morning? The lady in the blue coat is a friend I went to school with,and we usually meet up and have a good chat on the walk back to the car. When we got back home, we had our breakfast, and then it was round two of the tree trimming. It's all done for another  year, thank goodness, although J is shattered.

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