Arrivals , departures

J dropped me off at the gym, and then he was off to do some work on a friends motorbike. I walked into town afterwards, did some shopping and then off to catch a bus, although I made sure I did have my bus pass this time. I got home before J, and he arrived about an hour later. As soon as he got in he said, you'll never guess what I've got? and I didn't, but I wasn't expecting a massive box containing  a Hornby electric train set. which his friend had given him in payment for working on his bike. J was thrilled to bits, especially as it's never been out of the box, and the price tag was £99. I didn't share his enthusiasm, but there you go. Later this afternoon we went up the tip to take  eight bags of tree clippings, and we had to queue for about twenty minutes. Never mind, it's all done for another year.

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