
By Dizzy2302

Really is last day of Chrimbo holiday:-(

This is a very famous North Dorset scene, Gold Hill, Shaftesbury - for all us oldies do you remember the Hovis TV ad? You know the one with the little boy on his bike going to get the Hovis bread. In fact there is a HUGE PLASTIC hovis loaf just outside the Town Hall at the top of this hill as a lasting memory of this advert. This morning I had my first lesson in Nordic walking and we walked down this hill and BACK UP!!! again T W I C E :-/ Covered about 4 miles in my first lesson. Really good fun though. I loved it. This photie was taken from the quaint little restaurant called The Salt Cellar where I replaced some of the lost calories with a luscious cappuccino and gorgeous BBQ chicken panini. As a child I spent many hours walking up and down this hill as my grandparents lived in the street at the bottom of the hill known as St James. Sadly Nan and Grandad no longer with us. Happy Times!

Decided last May needed to get fitter and watch the weight. Funny how you suddenly arrive at 50 something and those extra pounds have crept up on you. Lost stone and a half last year and aiming for another stone in 2013. Not for vanity reasons but to be able to live life to the fullest for as long as possible. Nordic Walking is a relatively new fitness regime to me but is said to be easier on joints, etc. I also cycle but when you are walking you see more of your surroundings and beside I gotta get my blips!!!!! which is VERY difficult on a bike ;-). Tried jogging/running but not for me.....as my bezzie mate Miranda Hart will tell you this activity can often cause "Boob Clap"! Not good! WHOOPS is that a little too risqué for Blipster??? Apologies my friends ;-)

Off to Taunton in the morrow for a spot of shopping with my good friends Emma and Fi - could there be a suitable blip there I wonder!

Even though only on day three of this new challenge I am no longer walking around with my eyes shut - can you believe took 30 blips today culminating in the chosen one. AMAZING!

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