
By Houseonahill6

Ready for take off

It was another nice morning which became very hot at lunchtime.
The long tailed tits were down and the robins are becoming a more frequent visitor.The rosebay willow herb has gone to seed and the dainty seeds were floating across the fields and garden.
Mike went to have his haircut so I went along too and sat in the car. I watched a lady go swimming with her three dogs.
It had cooled down a lot after by the time I went to Brownies.We met at the beach and although there was a few drops of rain we still had lots of fun. We planned for the coming Term or two. Had Chocolate cake and candles to celebrate the first birthday of 2nd Fortrose Brownies, can not believe it’s been a year since we started the new unit.We also had lots of fun with bubbles of all sizes , I picked up some bargains from Tesco at the beginning of the holidays. One was a rope which produced some huge bubbles.

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