Re-usable Sanitary Pads

26th August 2019:

Each school holiday period we bring in the girls we support in Secondary school for some tuition and so many other things, like Drama, sport, singing, lessons in growing food without fertilizer or pesticides and of course forestry.
The first request each term is for everyone to make their own re-usable sanitary pads.
Everyone learns with enthusiasm and the pic shown Angelina demonstrating.

It makes me so sad to know that hardly any of this group of 139 girls have any solution to their monthly cycle issues and what is worse this "issue" can be thought of unclean and regularly girls must eat outside or some might be chased  into the woods for this time each month.

Imagine the joy when each girl goes home with this major problem solved and even in an environmentally friendly manner. 

Maybe it's the best thing we do.

What we find then is that when the girls go home with their materials , needles and thread, even grandfathers get involved. Such a simple and positive action.

I picked a little sadness in the picture to reflect my own 

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