Blists Hill Victorian Town

Friday 30th August 2019

Our last day and we visited the Blists Hill Victorian Town, which was a fascinating experience. 

As you go back in time you arrive first at Lloyds Bank where you can turn your current money into Victorian. I entered with £10 and left with 2s 4d! 

The streets are full of old shops and tradesmen's workshops and everything is priced in current money (in case you didn't visit the bank) and Victorian money. We bought some lovely freshly baked shortbread at the bakers for 2d a slice.  

When we came across the fair I couldn't resist having a go on the darts, trying to hit three playing cards with three darts. I failed dismally, even after being awarded two extra goes for "practise". Knowing mum has always been good at darts I persuaded her to have a go ... she managed to hit three cards and win a prize!!!

I've posted a couple of extras as well. 

We had a really enjoyable few hours and then headed home to mine.  

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