Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Steam clean

When I got off the bus after my art class this evening Lothian Road was covered in lots of wee blokies steam cleaning the pavements.
It looked amazing and I wish I could have captured it properly (unfortunately my camera is rubbish and night shots never great turn out too well) it was fun though and the guys were most bemused when they spotted me taking their pics!
I do like the clouds of steam and I quite like the effect of it in black and white.

Today I put the third and final coat of paint on the toilet walls - Thank God its finally done! Its a really small space and half of the walls are taken up with tiles so it really didn't look like much to do....
But it really look it out of me, at least now it looks lovely and clean and sparkly white :o)
Any thoughts I had about painting any of the other rooms in the flat however have gone right out the window. No way! If thats what painting about a metre squared does to me I'm definitely not about to tackle our enormous high ceilinged sitting room!

If anyone knows someone who does this kind of thing at rock-bottom prices please list name and number below! :O) LOL

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