Worn Basket Net

A windy day, and it's rained all day.  It finally stopped raining by teatime, with the odd shower. 

Weekend off work, and not the best start with the poor day.  Ended up being a fairly lazy day about the house, just as well, it was needed.  Headed north for a run, and did manage a walk with Sammy . After tea, me and Sammy headed out, and popped by my boss Vera.  She's still in pain, but cheery at home.  Might head out for a pint later.

I was hoping up north may have avoided the rain, no luck, but it did clear long enough for me and Sammy to get out for some fresh air and stretch out the legs.  We walked by the old leisure centre, and the door was open, so we headed in for a look.  Last time I was in the building, it was still in use, and had a drink with granny and grandad at the bar.  Now it lies derelict, and used as a byre for keeping sheep in.  These old baskets haven't been played in years, long gone are the days of netball games been here.  Originally built in the 1970s for oil workers, it came to an end in the late 90s.  Taken in the Fraser Peterson centre, Firth, Mossbank.  

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