Rainy Day / Abi

There was a run of years when we came to this part of the world - Devon and Cornwall - pretty much every summer and we were never that lucky with the weather. I seem to remember a lot of rain. This year, though, the weather forecast is great for the whole week, apart from today. And the rain arrived as anticipated.

We made an abortive trip to the leisure centre in Bude in the morning - all sessions sold out - so we decided that the best policy would be to make use of the lovely place we've rented (a converted chapel) and spend the day there. The fire was duly lit and we all spread around the house. 

Abi ended up on the mezzanine floor overlooking the living room, quietly getting on with her embroidery. Charlie set her up with it a couple of days ago and she seems to have taken to the peaceful, meditative aspects of it.

All in all, it ended up being a calm, enjoyable day.

No scales
Reading: 'Are We Still Rolling?' by Phill Brown

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