View towards Lundy

We left the Minx and miniMinx at home, this morning, still recovering from Leeds, and went back to Heartland to visit the museum, which was ace. It's basically a collection of photos of boats that were wrecked on the rocks, along with various recovered artefacts from those vessels. There was also an interesting exhibit about Lundy Island, which has a colourful history.

Having exhausted the museum's offering, we bought ice creams from the shop downstairs and went down to the 'beach', which is really just a very rocky cove. And from there, we all went for a swim. Lord, the water was cold but as each submerged part warmed up, so we progressed, gasping and shrieking as the waves splashed the still exposed parts of our bodies, until we were fully immersed, after which it was wonderful. 

Our trip into Bideford in the late afternoon, now accompanied by the Minx and miniMinx, was ill-timed as everything was just closing, although I think we had the best that was on offer in the form of a lovely independent bookshop.

In the evening, Milly and I decided we'd do a short run, just to keep our legs ticking over after yesterday's adventure, so we parked up in Clovelly's car park and ran out along the coastal path. Today's picture is the view out to Lundy from the path above Blackchurch Rock. (Incidentally, today's extra shows the topography of yesterday's run, from Heartland Quay up to Stoke and then a sharp left, to go north up to the coast.) 

No scales
Reading: 'Are We Still Rolling?' by Phill Brown

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