A Big Day for Elliott

Lump-in-the-throat time ... Today is Elliott's first day of Kindergarten!  I honestly have no idea how this happened so fast.  Here he is, looking stalwart, brave, and just a little bit apprehensive. 

At the end of Elliott's father's first day of Kindergarten, he climbed into the back seat of the car looking very solemn.  As I drove home, I was asking him how his day had been, and he burst into wracking sobs.  It took a long time for him to stop crying enough to tell me why he was so upset.  His answer had me pulling over to the side of the road ... "Why are we born at all, if all we do is die?"  All this heavy existential angst from a five year-old!  Let's hope Elliott has a less draining day.

Extra:  His latest masterpiece framed and put on center stage!

Photo Credit:  Elliott's mom

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