Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Land of Hope and Glory

This is the real Ed Davey MP, deputy leader of the Liberal Democrats, working with a knock-off Jacob Rees-Mogg to produce a bit of political street performance. There were some odd people out and about in London today, including one who was using an old Pringles box as a megaphone (surprisingly effectively). But it was generally low key around Westminster given that we are in the midst of so much turmoil. I did however get to meet Femi Oluwole
and have a selfie with him (see extra). Very thoughtful speaker.

The refusal of the courts to rule that the prorogation was illegal came as no surprise. In fact the whole problem we have is that our "constitution" is so weak that once the gloves come off there is nothing to stop extremists running riot. The "mother of democracies" has turned out to be a very bad parental role model indeed. Personally I cannot wait for the last night of the proms; Land of Hope and Glory will take on a very ironic quality this year.

I enjoyed going up to London. It gave me a chance to reflect and talk to people rather than being part of a crowd. Plus I had the best soyamilk latte ever in a tiny backstreet cafe. But generally I am depressed about the state of the nation. The image of the real Rees-Mogg lying on the front benches last night with a smirk on his face says it all for me. We are a very poor example to the rest of the world.

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