Lines of Engagement

Some days it’s harder than others to think of some meaningful or amusing to write about . Today is one of those days.

It’s not even remotely funny to tell you I went to the gym before breakfast at silly o’clock, although it could be considered tragic, nor is it funny to know that I met up with six other bereaved widows and listened to their heartbreak while managing to contain mine, being further along the grief road, although it could be considered meaningful.

You might be interested to know I had my hair cut in the little local hairdresser for a quarter of the price I’ve been paying in the city centre hairdresser in Glasgow. (You really don’t need to know the logic of trundling through to that ‘Dear Green Place’ to have the chop).

You might find it interesting to know that having waited 24 weeks on a waiting list for a hearing test I got a phone call this afternoon giving me a cancelled appointment at 8:15 am tomorrow morning. I hope I hear the alarm!

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