Zinger Meal-to-be

'Z' is for Zinger! ;-)

Sorry folks, the real beauties I planned on blipping the whole week long already, are still at large! I will just have to get a hold of them tomorrow, since tomorrow is my very last day of the 26 week challenge!! Can you believe it!?

Ronnie Jr and Anrie celebrated 3 years of 'going steady' (hehehe) today and decided, in stead of going out to supper at a restaurant, they would nrather cook a mean mutton curry for us tonight! Phew, and was it 'finger-lickin'good'!!

We had such an awesome day, visiting M&K -Letstryit in Rustenburg! Ooooh, what a lovely day! I haven't been there for a very long while, they visited me very regularly since I waws diagnosed on 27 August, and I must admit, it was a very emotional experience for me, to be able to visit them today! Thank you my dearest friends, I enjoyed the day toooo much! Thank you for all the lovely food, all the chatter and laughter, the tour of your remarkable garden, och, everything!! It was one of the most memorable days I had in a long time! LuvUSooooMuch!!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


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