Holiday memories

Beautiful weather outside this afternoon so ate some salads and quorn Thai bites in the sun. Blip is of a treat I brought back from Greece.

Been tidying (thinning out clothes) this morning and have put a big bag in the loft to sell or keep ( depending how much they are missed). Another bag in the car to go straight to charity- yay!

MrH changed a car bulb for me (much appreciated) this afternoon. That’s the second one I’ve needed doing in a tiny space of time (potholes?)

His folks arrive shortly, they flew into London from France earlier in the day. He’s been tidying their room frantically and is rather pleased it looks very neat. I did some sorting in there yesterday but it feels like a hopeless task. He’s unhappy with the amount of paperwork and resources I have at home - it’s a disagreement that can’t be easily settled and the only realistic solution is to extend the house (I’ve been asked to contact an architect) or sell the house (suggested!) I don’t have storage to use at work like I did 15 years ago and I now work in a hotdesking office.

The second bedroom is a bit bigger than a box room and living in a bungalow can be challenging when visitors stay for several days. I’m going to have to wheel a set of drawers out of the spare room tonight and then wheel it back in (whilst the guests are there) before I leave for work in the morning. It’s s small but irritating issue.

Hopefully the visit will do MrH some good and bring some positivity and relaxation into his world.

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