Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

My day started with tending to the Geraniums we have for sale, and remove unwanted guests. Some plants seemed to host a symphony orchestra competition of guests - if you get my meaning? There were a lot of lice! 
After the break I got a new chore (thankfully...) and I spent the rest of my work hours removing leaves on the tomat plants, leaves that had a lot of red areas on them. I was told it was a lac of nutrition. I'm not sure if it has to do with the 'end of season' period. Perhaps the plants can't collect the amount of nutrition needed. I have no idea. I also had great chats with my colleagues. They were moving the Geranium mother plants to greenhouse 1. One of my colleagues had discovered a mystery. We have one mother plant named 'Småland'. It (or she) is the mother of all the 'Småland' Geranium we sell. They all have red flowers, except for two plants that have pink flowers! What ever made the Geraniums get pink flowers is a mystery! :)
I also told my boss that next spring I really wanted to take part in the whole tomato plant process, because I just saw greenhouse 2 getting warmer and then one day there were a lot of tomato plants in there! She told me she understood. :) 
And when I saw that we finally have artichokes for sale, I couldn't resist taking some photos of them. At first I wanted to blip just them, but then I aslo wanted to blip some of my work today.
My feet were killing me after standing for hours and I thought I would have no energy at all when I came home. Fortunately that wasn't the case, so after a bit of rest I'm now baking bread. I have zucchini and carrots in the bread and they look fab!
I'm happy, and oh so thankful, my energy is slowly returning. :)

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