
By TMac

Let There Be Light

Today was incredibly busy.
Finished work later than anticipated then travelled to the East then the West of one county picking up gifts for 2 members of staff that start maternity leave tomorrow, then zipped into another county to pick up the bairns who were stranded at school after volleyball and rugby because son took a head knock at training last night and is on the concussion protocol, so couldn't drive. Apparently, he was "just" helping out tonight.

I could feel myself getting twitchy as I had been constantly on the go and knew I needed fresh air. I informed son that he was coming on a dog walk with me, fully expecting a teenage grump and refusal.
His only comment was that he would get changed first.
So, he got changed.
And he emptied the dishwasher when I asked.
And he came out on a long, slightly muddy dog walk.
And he chatted and told me all about how he and his friends celebrated when the Scottish Court of Session ruled today about the illegality of the prorogation of Parliament.
And I lapped up every second.

I told him how much I had enjoyed our walk and the chat, and sneaked in a very big hug.
If only we could bottle days like these..

Nothing beats the light breaking through the clouds.

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