This is a cheat, as this blip was taken yesterday morning at 10am in the middle of the storm. I could not believe the sky as it looks like the middle of the night. I loved the photo so decided to post it today. My photo today is in extras. This was so funny as the other day Daisy started barking and running away, eventually I went to see and saw this scary caterpillar, she was terrified.of it. It is a Elephant Hawk Moth Caterpillar. However it seems to be staying in my garden as it is still here, so have had to block off where it is.
It has been another awful day, did the weekly shopping, had hair done and been to yoga. It is now getting very dark again, so hoping it will clear up as I want to take the dogs out this evening.
Many thanks for the lovely response to yesterdays blip.

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