Sentosa Island

My bus ticket was valid until 11.50am as although it was a two day ticket, it's actually valid for 48 hours from the point you purchase it, so after breakfast I went to catch the shuttle bus to Sentosa Island as I'd planned a beach day.  I've been before so I knew I could get back by either the cable car or the monorail so it didn't matter that I couldn't catch the shuttle back.

Once I arrived I sat in the central plaza to get my bearings and the most random thing happened!  An Indonesian girl came and sat next to me on the bench and after a minute she tapped my arm and held her phone up, so I thought she wanted me to take her photo, but no, she wanted a selfie with me!  She took a couple of photos, so I took one with my phone, she asked where I was from, shook my hand and thanked me. Within minutes, she had returned with her three friends, who all gathered around me with their selfie sticks - they took a group shot and then wanted individual photos with me, I have no idea why, maybe they aren't used to seeing white women lol!  When I told Alan, he said to check I had all my belongings in case it had been some kind of pick pocketing scam, but all was fine and that kind of thing is very unlikely to happen in Singapore.

After a wander round I headed to the beach, stopping to go up the Merlion on the way - luckily there's a lift so I didn't have to climb lots of stairs.  I went to Palawan Beach first as there you can walk over a suspended bridge to the southern most point of continental Asia, and then I caught the beach tram to Siloso Beach and I'm glad I did as there was a Star Wars sand sculpture festival.  I'm not into Star Wars, but I do like sand sculptures, and these were amazing!  They'd been done by artists from all over the world and had won the golden shovel award.

Surprisingly, Sentosa was really quiet, which after yesterday was really nice, and even the beaches were quite empty.  I found a nice shady spot under a palm tree to set my towel down and went for a swim - the sea was so warm!

I caught the monorail back to the mainland and then took the MRT back to Bugis which is near our hotel and went to freshen up ready for Alan getting back from work.  He'd had some good news as it was decided that they wouldn't be working tomorrow, so he now has a bonus day off.

Tonight we went to Chijmes which was originally a Catholic Convent, but is now a complex of restaurants and bars.  It's a really lively place and has a great atmosphere.


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