
By timon

Common Redpoll

Didn't really have possibilities to concentrate on blipping today but since I'm trying to make consecutive year 2013 I post this snap of Common Redpoll.

Saw three new birds for this year today. Below is the whole list of 21 so far.

There are 468 species that have been seen in Finland. 253 of them are nesting. Last year the guy who saw most saw 304 different species. In 1979 when I did this for the first time I saw 163 species. This year I'll be happy if I see more than 100.

1 House Sparrow, Passer domesticus, Varpunen
2 Common Magpie, Pica pica, Harakka
3 Common Pigeon, Columba livia C, Kalliokyyhky
4 White-throated Dipper, Cinclus cinclus, Koskikara
5 Great Tit, Parus major, Talitiainen
6 Eurasian Blue Tit, Parus caeruleus, Sinitiainen
7 Eurasian Siskin, Carduelis spinus, Vihervarpunen
8 Common Redpoll, Carduelis flammea, Urpiainen
9 Western Jackdaw, Corvus monedula, Naakka
10 Hooded Crow, Corvus corone cornix, Varis
11 Black Grouse, Tetrao tetrix, Teeri
12 Willow Tit, Parus montanus, Hömötiainen
13 European Crested Tit, Parus cristatus, Töyhtötiainen
14 Coal Tit, Parus ater, Kuusitiainen
15 Great Spotted Woodpecker, Dendrocopos major, Käpytikka
16 Eurasian Bullfinch, Pyrrhula pyrrhula, Punatulkku
17 Grey-headed Woodpecker, Picus canus, Harmaapäätikka
18 Eurasian Jay, Garrulus glandarius, Närhi
19 Fieldfare, Turdus pilaris, Räkättirastas
20 European Greenfinch, Carduelis chloris, Viherpeippo
21 Yellowhammer, Emberiza citrinella, Keltasirkku

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